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The Garden Collection - The. Story and Inspiration from a Faraway Island
Inspiration for our scents and recipes come mainly from our experiences. If you'd like to learn where The Garden Collection originated, we've written a piece for our journal!
Kopa xx
Newsletter 6.22.21
Another month slipped by, and it's been ages since I last shared any news. I know I've been quiet, but we are doing well. I'm living slow; our shop's still on hold, but I'm hoping to be producing soaps again in the fall and transitioning to a seasonal company. So no promises, but stay tuned for updates. Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful messages. It's been a tug-of-war game on these pages during the past few months, pouring my heart out at one writing session, then scrapping everything I had written at the next. So, at last,...
Jenny's Savory Heirloom Tomato Galette Recipe
Jenny's recipe for a savory heirloom tomato galette with basil and garlic, with a homemade crust.
Why is Soap a Superpower Right Now?
 Why is Soap a Superpower Right Now?  -'At the molecular level, soap breaks things apart. At the level of society, it helps hold everything together.' -Feris Jabr I love this diagram by Jonathan Corum and Ferris Jabr from a New York Times article, written by Feris Jabr, entitled, 'Why Soap Works.'  If you want the short story, read this. If you want the long story, scroll down a bit. If you prefer a super-condensed version, read my Instagram @kopakauai, it's drawn in a diagram.  The Short Story Soap, Hand-washing, and the Coronavirus - The key to what makes soap...